Celebrate National Dog Day

Hot diggity dog! August 26 is National Dog Day – a day dedicated to celebrating all dogs and to encourage rescue/adoption of your new four-legged best friend.

At Coastal Pet Products, it’s no secret that we love dogs – and cats, too! Our mission of designing and delivering quality products people trust for the pets they love is at the heart of everything we do.

This year for National Dog Day, Stryker Stout – Coastal’s PupLick Relations Canine – is sharing his suggested list of ways to celebrate.

Host a paw-some party

There’s no such thing as too many dogs. Invite your best human and dog friends over for a tail-wagging good time and host a party! There are social, physical, and mental benefits when it comes to playtime with other pups. 

Buy a doggone good gift

Who doesn’t love a new collar or leash?! Treat your pup (or a friends’ pup) to some new gear to celebrate. Whether their current collar, leash, or harness has seen better days or you’re just looking for a fashionable statement piece, Coastal has a variety of options.

In fact, we’re offering a special Dog Day celebration discount of 20% off your Coastal order. This deal is fur-real! Use promo code DOGDAY20 between August 26-31, 2024.

Go for a “W-A-L-K”

We shouldn’t have to spell it out for you – a simple walk in the neighborhood, at the park, or other favorite location is a wonderful way to celebrate National Dog Day. Not only do walks with your dog improve the bond you have with them, but it provides necessary mental and physical stimulation for your pup. Not to mention you get your steps in, too!

Paws for a grooming session

You know the feeling you get after a fresh haircut? Imagine the same for your pup. Regular grooming can improve your pet’s health and comfort. Take some time today to give your dog’s coat and/or nails some TLC (tender love and care). If you are in need of tools to help you groom like a pro at home, check out our Safari® collection.

Be the pup-parazzi

A picture is worth 1,000 words – celebrate National Dog Day with an impromptu photoshoot with your pup. Grab your phone or camera and snap away. If you’re feeling extra celebratory, hire a professional pet photographer to take some keepsake photos of your dog.

Do something pawsitive

On its own or in conjunction with any of the activities mentioned above, take time to do some good to celebrate National Dog Day. Donate supplies, money, or your time to an animal organization of your choice. If you need some inspiration, learn more about our Coastal Cares initiative and the partner organizations we support.